Flight School Information
Via Air Flight School is located in Pennsylvania
This Flight School page has been visited: 7520 times.
Via Air Flight School   City: Philadelphia
We do not have an "assembly line" school nor do we use cookie cutters to pop out pilots. We make sure that you get personalized training from your instructor. You will be assigned an instructor and you will stay with that instructor as long as possible. You will even have your instructor’s home phone number for any last minute problems or changes. We do not disappear at the end of the day. Please don’t abuse this privilege, but you will develop a close teacher-student relationship with your instructor. Your instructor will try hard to get you through this process with the least amount of problems or inconveniences. Via Air instructors are people dedicated to teaching. They are not instructors that just got their Instructor's Certificate or just want experience to try to get into the airlines. We have instructors that also work for commuter airlines but still teach at Via Air simply because they like to teach. This makes for an instructor that cares about what they do and will take the time to make sure they do it right.

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