Flight School Information
Legacy Aviation is located in Florida
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Legacy Aviation   City: Fort Lauderdale

We provide customized private instruction for the private through ATP with ratings for instrument and multi engine. We are flexible with our times and can adapt to nearly any schedule our client needs. Additionally are not cookie cutter...we will discuss your needs and customize a plan and schedule to allow to to meet your goals on your timeline ...not ours. Because we are not operating a part 141 school we are better equipped to meet the needs of each individual. Most of our clients are busy business professionals who need to fly for both business and personal pleasure. If you are a busy executive then let us manage your aircraft and maintenance as well. Come and talk with us...My partner and I both have over 40 years of flying experience to offer you.


We offer training for the following:

Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial, ATP, Multi-Engine, CFI, CFII, MEI


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