Flight School Information
Santa Cruz Flying Club is located in California
This Flight School page has been visited: 5229 times.
Santa Cruz Flying Club   City: Watsonville
It's easier than you think! Simply call up the club at 831-722-4580 or just stop by and meet our friendly staff and instructors. For just $69 (Cessna 150/152) or $75 (Cessna 172) you can have your very first introductory flying lesson. On that very first flight you will be in the pilots seat, and with the close watch of a professional flight instructor you will be on the controls actually flying the aircraft! At the end of your first flying lesson you'll get a chance to talk to the instructors about what your goals are, how quickly you want to complete your training, and what flight training involves regarding time and expense. Even if you don't think you want to go all the way to getting a Private Pilot's Certificate take us up on our offer of a discounted intro flight and see what it's all about. Introductory flights and gift certificates also make great gifts!

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