Flight School Information
Pan Am International Flight Academy is located in Florida
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Pan Am International Flight Academy   City: Miami
Pan Am International Flight Academy, with training locations throughout the United States and the world, is a leading provider of training support for airlines and aviation professionals. As the only surviving division of Pan American Airlines, Pan Am International Flight Academy can trace its instruction heritage to the earliest days of airline flight training. Pan Am International Flight Academy’s President, Vito Cutrone, joined Pan American Airlines in the 1960’s. In 1980, Mr. Cutrone opened Pan American Airline’s International Flight Academy in Miami Florida. After the closing of the airline, Mr. Cutrone remained with the flight academy to establish it as an independent training organization. Pan Am International Flight Academy now calls this Miami location corporate headquarters and has more years of training experience than any other airline training company in the world. Joining Mr. Cutrone in leading Pan Am International Flight Academy is Executive Vice-President Eric Freeman. With over three decades in the flight training business, Mr. Freeman has worked hard to establish Pan Am International Flight Academy as a leader in the airline training and air craft type rating industry. Pan Am International Flight Academy is dedicated to providing a professional training experience at the best price with a corporate commitment to meet your airline training and type rating goals. Our staff and facilities are prepared to deliver the highest quality training at the best value for our customer.

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