Flight School Information
Chamberlain Aviation is located in New Mexico
This Flight School page has been visited: 5367 times.
Chamberlain Aviation   City: Rodeo
Our services include quality aircraft maintenance, annual inspections, major repairs, major alterations and aircraft rebuilding. We encourage owner-assisted annual inspections and are happy to offer tips and instruction on what maintenance that you, as an aircraft owner/pilot, can perform on your own airplane. We offer individualized flight instruction in our Cessna 152 or your airplane - including biennial flight reviews. We have published the Youth Pilot Training Program for young people and Pre-Solo Basics Flight Manual for primary flight training. Other services include aircraft brokering for both buyers and sellers. You will find our brokerage rates very competitive and if we don't fulfill your requirements within the prescribed time-frame, you owe nothing. We only get paid if a transaction is satisfactorily completed.

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