Flight School Information
Lafayette Aviation is located in Indiana
This Flight School page has been visited: 4390 times.
Lafayette Aviation   City: Lafayette
Lafayette Aviation, Inc. is committed to supporting our customers with the highest quality of services and products at all times. We will guarantee this quality service by acknowledging our people are our most valuable resource. By empowering our employees to make the necessary decisions to serve our customers we will deliver consistent, reliable and professional service with warmth, individual pride and company spirit. LAI was founded in 1981. It is a family-owned business started by its Chairman, Mick Pittard. In 1989 Mick brought his son Jeff into the family business. Jeff has worked his way to being President of the company and he handles the day-to-day operations of LAI. It is the family values and work ethic started by Mick and continued by Jeff that has made LAI one of the best FBO's in the Midwest. Mick and Jeff's commitment to their customers and employees is apparent in every aspect of their business.

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